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Feature Article: Asset Management Partnership Goes From Strength to Strength After 15 Years

Asset management partnership goes from strength to strength after 15 years—by Copperleaf’s Boudewijn Neijens & CEATI’s Christopher Hayes

Successful strategic planning for capital investments in hydro plants requires the balancing of many factors, including the risks and consequences of equipment failure. The Hydropower Asset Management Partnership (hydroAMP) was created when representatives from the US Bureau of Reclamation, Hydro-Québec, the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Hydroelectric Design Center, and the Bonneville Power Administration partnered to develop condition assessment guides for hydroelectric power plants.

In 2012, the partnership started collaborating with CEATI and Copperleaf to enhance hydroAMP—an equipment condition assessment framework. This framework helps to streamline, simplify and improve the evaluation and documentation of the condition of hydro equipment and facilities in order to support business decision making. Expert opinion and asset condition history are both leveraged by predictive analytics models, such as Copperleaf’s C55 to convert hydroAMP condition indexes into predicted degradation curves and likelihood of failure curves, which helps the hydropower community proactively manage risk by understanding the needs of each asset.

In this technical article published in the 4th issue in 2017 of the International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, Copperleaf’s Boudewijn Neijens and CEATI’s Christopher Hayes review the importance of accurate equipment condition index assessments in making informed capital investment planning and management decisions. Read the full article here.


The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams publishes, for its readers in more than 180 countries, research papers, descriptive case studies, project updates, business and financial news, and policy papers aiming to help advance the state-of-the-art of dam engineering and hydropower development.