Blog Hero Environmental Social Governance ESG - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Webinar: From Aspirational to Operational: Meeting ESG, Net Zero and Business Goals

To fulfill Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) commitments, and to achieve ambitious net zero goals, utilities must have a comprehensive ESG strategy and embed ESG considerations into all decisions — especially capital investment decisions. Knowing which ESG investments to pursue and when to execute them, alongside business-as-usual (BAU) activities to maintain reliability, safety, and affordability, adds a layer of complexity that many utilities are struggling to navigate.

Utilities are already making ESG planning decisions today—but often without a transparent, data-driven framework that compares all investment options on equal footing across a diverse project portfolio.

Advanced decision analytics software can help utilities develop an agile and more capital-efficient ESG investment strategy and ensure investment plans support their objectives, including financial, net-zero, ESG, risk mitigation, KPIs, and other targets.

In this webinar, Tom Wasik, Vice President of Asset Management at Alectra Utilities; Andrea Roszell, Canadian Market Lead, Energy, Sustainability & Infrastructure at Guidehouse; and Dawen Nozdryn-Plotnicki, Managing Director, Americas at Copperleaf, explored how utilities with ambitious ESG and net-zero commitments can:

  • Expand their definition of value
  • Embed the expanded definition of value into all decisions
  • Demonstrate the highest-value plan
  • Communicate that value to a broad range of constituencies
